2,000 feet above the ground and rising;
Confined to a metal box and suspended by a thread.
Every gust of wind, every movement within—
I wonder if today will be my last on this earth.
I wanted to see more of the beauty of The Creator,
But I am starting to think I’m getting more than I bargained for.
How helpless I feel; this is making me realize
That I have held on to an illusion of control for a while.
I am at the complete mercy of God right now,
Because should anything happen, there is
Absolutely nothing I can do to save myself.

But… what else is new?
Was there ever a time that this was not the case?
Was I ever the ‘captain of my own ship,’
And truly the ‘master of my fate’?
Why did it have to take me being 2,300 feet above ground (and still rising)
For me to be reminded of the Providence of God?
Am I not always at His mercy,
Upheld by His grace and enclosed by His love?
Does my feet being on the pavement make me any more grounded,
And being off the ground make me any less?
Am I tethered to anything other than His righteousness?

I am reminded of that other box that soared high above the world
And also came to rest on top of a mountain.
The floodwaters of judgment could not break through
For it was held together by the very hand of God.
Would it be presumptuous to think that very hand
Also holds this box I find myself in?
As I contemplate these things, it seems I’m already there;
I am at the top of a mountain!
What a breathtaking sight! Surely it was worth it to see—
To fight through my fearful thoughts and anxieties?

Maybe this is what it takes to rise above it all:
To surrender and trust Him as you wrestle with yourself,
And before you know it, behold such awesome sights
That make you forget the struggle it took to get there,
For He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.

I am fully aware that I must descend this mountain,
But I would assume that the grace that brought me here
Will likewise get me safely down there.
His love does not change with our perspectives.
I am fully aware that I must descend this mountain,
But I hope my thoughts rise higher still;
Pushing past the clouds in my mind till none remain,
All to behold the wonders of the One who keeps me.

‘You are my strength,
You are my song,
You are my salvation;
You hold it all together,
You hold it all together.’ – All Sons and Daughters, ‘You Hold it All Together’

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